----------------------- TEX - Text File Utility Copyright (c) 1987 by Floyd Zink, Jr. ----------------------- THIS PROGRAM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN, DISTRIBUTE FREELY BUT DO NOT SELL. YOU MUST HAVE AN ENHANCED //e, //c, or IIgs TO RUN THIS PROGRAM. Features -------- 1) Catalogs disks 2) Types files 3) Appends files together 4) Strips linefeeds and ^Z's from files 5) Removes carriage returns from files User Instructions ----------------- TEX has a user interface modeled after Glen Bredon's 'Cat Doctor' program which I use extensively and find very easy to use. For those of you who do not have 'Cat Doctor' and all the rest of the 'Prosel' programs I suggest you read 'PROSEL.TXT' in DL1. I highly recommend it! TEX supports a start-up pathname. If you enter a start-up pathname from a program selector like PROSEL or ECP8 the program will use that pathname and strip the linefeeds from it and then exit by the quit code. If there is no start-up pathname then TEX will display the menu and you can go on from there. If you have a mouse TEX will find it and allow you to use it instead of using the arrow keys and pressing return. You still have to press return though when your selections are marked to start the procedure. At least until I can figure out double clicking. The sensitivity of the mouse is at location $204B. It is currently set at $08. This means the mouse must move 8 increments to move the inverse bar. If you want to change this use a block editor or from the basic prompt enter: CALL-151 ;enter monitor BLOAD BLU,TSYS,A$2000 ;load file 204B:XX ;XX being the new value. Higher value=lesser sensitivity. BSAVE BLU,TSYS,A$2000 ;save file ^C ;back to basic You can select a menu item by either the first letter in the item or by using the arrow keys and pressing return. After making your selection you will be prompted for a source directory name and where necessary a destination pathname or target directory. You can use the TAB key to skip to the next '/' in the pathname shown or OA-TAB to back up to the previous '/'. When prompted for a destination pathname be sure and enter a pathname for a file not a directory. After the directory(s) are selected a catalog of the source directory will be displayed. Using the up and down arrows will move the bar accordingly. The left arrow will unselect an item if it was selected otherwise it will move the bar up. The right arrow will select an item if not already selected otherwise it will move the bar down. In addition a control-a (^A) will toggle all the items. Pressing return will implement the selected task using the just picked filenames. When typing files pressing any key will pause the display. Pressing any key again will start the typing again. Pressing ESC will jump to the end of the current file and pressing ESC again will exit back to the main menu. Pressing a 'p' or 'P' will toggle the paging option. When paging is on the file will be displayed a screen full at a time and waits for a keypress between each page. The linefeed stripper creates a temp file with an '.S' extension. When it is done processing it renames the original file with an '.ORG' extension and renames the temp file to the original file name. The carriage return remover creates a temp file with an '.R' extension. When it is done processing it renames the original file with an '.ORG' extension and renames the temp file to the original file name. When you see the 'Minimum line length' prompt you can use the up and down arrow keys to change the default length. The purpose of the minimum line length is to try to maintain formatting in short lines. If you use the default of '60' TEX will not remove the carriage returns in lines of less than 60 characters. Final Words ----------- If you encounter any bugs or come up with any suggestions for improving the program please let me know. [ Floyd Zink, Jr. ] Compuserve - 73147,2717 Genie - F.ZINK